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  • Jeremy Costello

Bad Batch S1, Ep. 2: Chains of command

The second episode of The Bad Batch was sure to be slower after the hour-long premiere that mirrored the original Clone Wars animated movie that kicked off that series, but we still plenty of movement pieces in the transition from the events directly after Revenge of the Sith. We also get a little more insight into Omega's psyche, and we start to see a relationship building between her and Hunter.

Right away, we get an intimate moment with Omega as she sets foot onto a new planet for the first time. With child-like wonder, she runs dirt through her hands for the first time (seriously, Kaminoans had no plants at all?). Later when The Bad Batch connect with Cut and his family, Omega enjoys learning how to play catch with a patched-up ball. We sometimes take the slowed-down moments of learning for granted in a world like Star Wars, but the writers gave the moment a nice, touching moment. As we see later, though, Omega start to feel homesick (much like Anakin did in The Phantom Menace.

It was fun to see Omega run into a Nexu (though not as fun for her)! A Nexu, of course, was the the agile four-legged creature that attacks Padme in the arena during Attack of the Clones. I've also fought that creature in the Star Wars: Imperial Assault board game campaign. It was pretty tough.

While indoors, Hunter and the gang talk with Cut, who happened to see Rex the previous day (seems too coincidental). At this point, though, Rex and Ahsoka have reunited, so it'll be interesting to see if Ahsoka comes into play (much sooner than I expected, too, though she has plenty of her own personal ventures, too). Anyway, Hunter and Cut discuss how life on Saleucami is no longer hidden from the Empire as citizens of the planet now must register with the intrusive Empire.

Enter chain codes, the key story element of the week. Chain codes were referenced in The Mandalorian, so it was nice to see when they start getting used for the first time. These codes are basically identifiers. Everyone is required to have one if they want to travel. By the way, it's only a matter of time before this idea gets implemented in the real world. People will need an identifier of some kind to buy or sell on the market (a sign of the end times, for anyone interested in that).

The tension of the episode revolves around a plan to get Cut and his family safe passage off the planet without the Imperials identifying who they are (Cut was a former Clone trooper, which would spell doom for him if he gets caught).

Tech, of course, comes up with a hair-brained idea of letting the Imperials seize their ship (while still aboard), which would result in getting their ship impounded. Then, Tech and could break in from the inside and acquire chain-code discs to hack and use to access transport they need.

They acquire enough chain codes for Cut and his family - and Omega. Hunter asks Omega to travel away with Cut, where it will be safer for her. I suppose them parting ways is supposed to be a sorrowful moment, but it really hasn't been earned after just two episodes, so it mostly felt hollow.

In an incredibly shocking moment, Omega sneaks away to stay with the Bad Batch, anyway (yeah, not surprising at all). It now seems Hunter and Omega are the new Mando and Baby Yoda/Grogu of The Bad Batch. A soldier with no experience with children is suddenly tasked to guard a youngling. I'm sure we'll see awkward moments between the two of them, moments when Hunter must decide between Omega and someone on his team (not a life-or-death scenario, necessarily), or even moments when Omega teaches something to Hunter. She's obviously incredibly skilled, and her talents have yet to be fully uncovered, so she'll obviously be a much more of an asset than a hindrance for the group.

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