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HTGAWM - Season 5 Premiere

Episode title: Your Funeral Episode air date: Sept. 27

So the season kicked off with a gay wedding - Conner and Oliver finally tied the knot - And it ended with a proposal that theoretically will lead to another wedding. Assuming, of course, Laurel changes her mind and says yes. Oh, and apparently someone died at the gay wedding.

Strap in, this should be another great season of How To Get Away With Murder.

The premiere served as a return to the classic formula as we see through the eyes of someone dying in the snow under the night sky three months after the current events we're watching. And like in past seasons, we presumably will get a glimpse of one character who is not the one dying. First up is Bonnie, who comes into the picture at the end and seems to finish the job by suffocating whoever was already near death lying in the snow. Bonnie seems to be set for her biggest role on the show.

The premiere also returned to the show's original roots as Annalise returned to the classroom as a demanding professor at her college. Her opening speech certainly lacked in the "you can do anything" mantra as her opening session was the equivalent of a football coach analyzing the new season's crop of talent. She split half the class into two sides, then cut one side entirely in typical Annalise fashion.

We got a good look at our new mystery student: Gabriel Maddox. We're being led to believe that Bonnie has a college-aged son she doesn't know about (or at least hasn't told anyone else about). He made Annelise's cut, and his case to make is in regards to prison conditions and overpopulation (an issue that Kansans know to be all-too real). So far, though, he's less than impressive. He leaned way too much on emotions without saying much of anything with substance. Then he had to get smug and say he didn't actually believe any of his words. Yeah Gabriel, I sure hope you aren't counting on your charm, passion, or way with words to make any kind of dent. The actor, Rome Flynn, tried way too hard to make his character stand out. Hopefully it was just first-episode adrenaline, because I don't want to see overacting every week.

Laurel seems happier and ready to deal with far more normal problems. Like trying to figure out how to live as a single mother or this whole ordeal with Frank. Not to mention the mysterious package with her baptism gown presumably sent from her missing mother. Can Laurel ever catch a break? I guess normal is a relative term for her.

Michaela remains one of my favorites. It was great to see her get all high-school giddy when she called her potential love interest on the phone. Her "The money is mine, bitches" line was incredibly on-point when she was chosen as one of a handful of students to compete in Annelise's competition for the prize of a little more than $64,000, which will cover one year's tuition. Gabriel barely makes the cut, but isn't that how it should start for the newbie? We know this new actor wasn't hired to be a background character, but at least it seems like they'll make him prove his chops.

Lots of other small threads have opened, including Annalise handling herself after winning a Supreme Court case. It was more difficult than she probably imagined it would be, but she's now got a new office and will be working with Tegan Price, who was very involved last season. She's a powerful woman with the chops to go toe-to-toe with Annalise, so I hope the writers play into that dynamic a little bit.

This premiere had more streamlined, consistent ebbs and flows. It's not that the story played it safe by any means, but the cards feel like they're being kept a little closer to the vest (I know we're only one episode in). That's a good thing. I like chaos and surprises, but the show isn't reaching for any of that yet just for the sake of the thrill. The writers are showing some measure and poise while still keeping everything entertaining and moving at a quick pace. The groundwork for their game plan is getting set, but there's no lull. This is a far more incredible feat than most probably realize, and it's absolutely for the show's best interest.

THE WIFE'S TWO CENTS: She is convinced Laurel should accept Frank's proposal and marry him. Not because Frank is what she needs in her life or that Frank is great with the baby, but because they make a great couple. I couldn't agree more. I have a feeling we'll be revisiting that storyline as the season progresses.

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