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  • Jeremy Costello

Moon Knight S1, Ep. 2-3: Darkest Night

Marvel wasn't kidding when they said Moon Knight would be dark; this show is easily the darkest of any show or movie in the entire MCU (other than maybe the seventh episode of WandaVision).

This week's episode featured a wild reunion with several Egyptian gods walking around in their avatars. Just the imagery used to convey possessions has been a bit disturbing thus far. The theme of these gods not interfering with humanity mirrors the story in the Eternals movie, but just like in that movie, it makes little sense here. Especially because they've seemingly already interfered in the past, and likely will do so again. It's fun to watch the drama unfold between Konchu and the rest of the Egyptian "council," including a woman who apparently once had a thing for him. Konchu seems like he's been bullied and is now trying to prove his own toughness. I'm guessing he'll have the last laugh before it's all said and done, though the spell that encased him in a sand figurine might make that a wee bit difficult.

It was fun to watch Oscar Isaac take on the persona of Konchu during this session. His acting is absolutely carrying this show. His Stephen character is quite lovable, Mark makes for a great anti-hero type character, and now he does other great voice impressions! Bravo.

What was frustrating about this week's episode is the ridiculous logistics. Konchu and Mark are trying to find the burial place of Ammit before Harrow does. It seems Harrow is Ammit's avatar now (he was Konchu's avatar before Mark was). Harrow uses the scarab to find Ammit's burial location first, and his huge excavation starts digging on the outskirts of town. You're telling me Konchu and Moon Knight, who can do all sorts of crazy things, don't seem to notice his huge excavation team just camping around in the middle of the desert? Instead, Mark and Layla have crash some collector guy's exhibit and gather clues from an old shredded map and a sarcophagus to find the same burial location. Then Konchu has to pull off a visually amazing trick involving turning back time in the night sky (Superman vibes, anyone?) just to help figure out this burial location. It just seems pretty crazy to me that they have to go to all the stops when Harrow is already in the neighborhood.

It's hard to get a beat on Harrow. In the second episode of the season, he and Stephen have a rather in-depth discussion that suggests Harrow isn't all that bad. He's proving there are two sides to every coin, but I'm guessing he'll turn to the dark side fully before the end of the show, whether by choice or otherwise. I'm curious if something like this will happen to Mark, especially considering Konchu has threatened his wife's livelihood to do his bidding. Might we see Moon Knight go ape if things go awry? Seeing him fight as a tragic villain would be cool.

Sprinkled in all the heavier scenes and action set pieces, they've given us some rare humorous scenes, but they're funny enough to make the wait worthwhile. Watching Stephen arguing with Mark from the Netherworld in the mirrors is funny in an almost ironic sense. Then there are the scenes when Stephen is excited to be in control, only for something terrible to happen (you know, like getting stabbed with spears) and Stephen immediately give up and tell Mark to take control again.

The scenes with Mark and his ex-wife are ripe for funny lines, but we aren't getting much from that, so that's a bummer. We have gained some insight into Layla, though. She's an interesting character. I'm curious if she turns into someone in the same way that Barton's wife Lisa did at the end of Hawkeye. We don't really know what happened between Mark and Layla, or even how long ago they split up, for that matter, but getting bits of pieces of their relationship has piqued my interest. Hopefully we get a satisfactory answer in the few episodes we have left of this short story.

Speaking of Moon Knight ending, the show is scheduled to end precisely one week before Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness releases. We got a connection between Hawkeye and Spider-Man: No Way Home, so I'd be willing to bet we see at least a cameo or something akin to that to connect to this show.

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