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  • Jeremy Costello

This Is Us - S3, Ep 2

(Apologies for not having the premiere review up. That's still to come).

Episode 2 title: A Philadelphia Story

Air Date: Oct. 2, 2018

Each person has his or her own way of dealing with heavy feelings, such as grief or guilt. And as much as I want certain characters to react or behave a certain way, or to move on entirely, I know that's just not how it works. The writers of This Is Us certainly induce far more realism than just about any other writing crew.

We started off this week's episode with Deja, who is starting a new school and a new life. This proves difficult, especially when she feels out of place. You know, because she's a black kid at a white school. She feels far more comfortable in a rundown rec room with other black kids, though. She even makes a friend named Skye. Randall, of course, takes matters into his own hands as he talks to a councilman at a barbershop about fixing up the rec center. You know, because Randall hasn't learned anything about not taking on too much. The councilman, who was black as well, got excited to talk to him and here about all his accomplishments. Surely it wasn't just because Randall was black, right? I realize I'm making a leap here, but there was a lot of subtext going on there. It's not a leap to say that about the woman at the rec center, who throws a complete guilt trip in Randall's face because he clearly doesn't understand "the struggle." I'm sure I'm being insensitive, but it's just frustrating to see that.

Ron Cephas Jones reprises his role as Randall's biological father William. Not sure why they bothered bringing his character back other than fan service (I'm a fan of him, that's for sure). But they put together an interesting encounter with his neighbor lady. Plot twist: This neighbor of William is the mother of Skye, the friend Deja makes at the rec center.

Kevin's relationship with Zoe is frustratingly cliche. They started by sleeping around behind Beth's back, trying to keep it a secret. But once Kevin asks her to go to his movie premiere, things get weird all of a sudden. Give me a break. Any woman would want to go to that. Okay, I'm probably being a bit sexist here, but still (don't get mad, ladies).

It was touching to hear Kevin explain to his sister (whom he took to the premiere instead) how he secretly was trying to act well enough to make his dad proud, especially because Jack never got the chance to see him act on stage before his death. It's something he would've craved so much if he were still alive because Jack was the only one who took him seriously, and Kevin always has wanted to be taken more seriously as an actor than from his reputation he garnered from his "The Manny" days. There are so many more layers to his and Jack's relationship that continually makes Kevin one of my favorite characters.

Teenage Kate comes clean about not sending in her audition tape (something I believe we already knew previously, but I could be mistaken). Kate is so snotty at this age; she tells her mom she didn't send it in as if she's sticking it to her or getting back at her dad. Clearly she's as misguided as most teenagers.

Of her three kids, Rebecca continues to have the strongest relationship with teenage Randall. She tells him about the "what if" feeling she's overcome by because Jack talked about the possibility of moving to a new house. Rebecca is dealing with her own version of grieving, but it's not helpful, as young Randall points out, that she isn't helping her other kids through their grieving process. Presumably this is when Kate's eating disorder takes off and when Kevin becomes an alcoholic. There are some pretty big implications here. Clearly Rebecca isn't solely at fault for her kids' actions, but she definitely didn't help enough. Of course, this came back up when adult Kate and Rebecca discuss it. Too little, too late, but at least Kate owns up to her part of it instead of throwing her mother all the blame.


-I don't know about you, but I'd totally watch the movie Kevin is starring in if it was a real movie!

-The college acceptance letter arriving in the mail is such an incredible moment. It's so touching to see Randall and Rebecca get to share that moment

-Toby had the funniest moment of the episode. When Miguel discovers Toby and Kate's fertility equipment in the fridge, Toby takes the fall and says he's a heroine addict! So much better than the truth, there. Spoiler alert: they don't fall for it.

THE WIFE'S TWO CENTS: This is the first episode we've watched live with the rest of America. We spent a lot of time the past 10 months or so catching up on the first two seasons. Now she's upset when we have to sit through commercials. "Commercials are stupid," she said.

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