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  • Jeremy Costello

Top 10 games I'm excited for after E3

10) Psychonauts 2 - I loved the first one, and there aren't enough great 3-D platformers as it is, so this game will be goofy and refreshing.

9) Ori and the Will of the Wisps - A gorgeous, slow-paced 2-D platformer that still has fun boss battles? Yes please. I just wish it would come to Switch.

8) Doom Eternal - I haven't played the newer generation of Doom games a whole lot, but this one looks insanely fast and fun.

7) Cyberpunk 2077 - Keanu Reeves was the star of E3, and this game is more hyped than ever. If I have enough time in my life to play this one, I will, though I'm thinking about waiting until it gets ported to next gen so I can play it there instead, hopefully with even better graphics than it's already showing.

6) Hollow Knight: Silksong - The first Hollow Knight was an infuriating, spectacular, unrefined journey that was hindered by many small flaws. If they fix some of that (they already showed they improved the healing system), I'm all in. Oh, who am I kidding, I'm already all-in.

5) Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3 - So many superheroes! The combat looks simple and fun, and who knows how deep this game goes. It'll probably be a fun game for a short time, but I'm looking forward to it.

4) Link's Awakening - I'm looking forward to this remake. Having never played the first one, I'm basically getting a brand new, top-down Zelda game.

3) Luigi's Mansion 3 - This game is turning out to be everything I wanted it to be. Luigi's vacuum is getting upgraded powers. Rooms will have variety, even some environmental aspects. Multiplayer is more robust. This will be a good one.

2) Breath of the Wild 2 - A little out of left field, but honestly, with all the reporting of Nintendo hiring artists and game designers for a new Zelda game should've prepared us for this. The first Breath of the Wild is such a gaming icon now; it makes sense for Nintendo to utilize what they've already built in that engine and art style to create a sequel. The tone looks so much darker, too. Hopefully there are new elements to the game that don't make it seem too much like the first one, though.

1) Jedi: Fallen Order - Finding out that Saw Gerrera was a main character in this game bring in fun connectivity within the Star Wars universe. The gameplay looked great, and the force powers look awesome. Can't wait for this one.

*0) Smash Bros Ultimate - Okay, I'm cheating a little bit here, but come on! Banjo-Kazooie in Smash is awesome! I'm not thrilled about more swordfighters, but getting The Hero from Dragon Quest is a no-brainer for Nintendo.

Honorable Mention: Gears 5 - That new co-op mode looks really awesome, and I would buy that game just for that, let alone the actual campaign. If this game ports to next-gen XBox, it'll be that much easier for me to switch from PlayStation to XBox.

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